Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova
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Дело экс-владелицы «Айбокс-Банка» Шевцовой-Дегрик передано в другой суд во Львове из-за подозрений в подкупе судей
Дело Дегрик-Шевцовой передали на рассмотрение в другой суд.
Bill_line: Artem Lyashanov’s financial "laundromat" processing gambling mafia money
Artem Lyashanov, the true leader of LLC "Tech-Soft Atlas" (trading as "bill_line"), is attempting to use legal measures to compel an internet publication to retract reports accusing the company of financial misconduct and implicating its founder.
The collapse of Ibox Bank: can the notorious Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova escape punishment?
When Alyona Shevtsova took over the leadership of IBOX BANK, media reports highlighted that her efforts played a significant role in the bank’s impressive rise. By the end of the previous year, the bank had secured the eighth position among the most profitable banks in Ukraine, a notable achievement considering the ongoing conflict in the country.
Gambling industry in Ukraine: How Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova and her iBox Bank are involved in laundering billions from underground casinos
In 2023, the gambling mafia was dealt perhaps its most sensitive blow.
The shadow market and iBox: how the terminals of schemer Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova were used for drug trafficking
Drug dealers selling drugs through "dead drops" have been accepting payments through iBox terminals for several years — it is now known why law enforcement agencies were aware of this but preferred not to intervene.
Banking fraud and gambling: How Oleksandr Sosis and Alyona Dehrik-Shevtsova fight for control of Ukraine’s gambling market
When the loud sounds of battles in the suburbs of Kyiv died down and it became clear that the country would continue to exist, the temporarily silent ‘schemers’ began to become active again.
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